Small fragment (13 cm h) of Queen Tiye bust, yellow jasper, ca. 14th c BCE / Dynasty 18, Metropolitan Museum New York (image courtesy of MMNY) By Patrick Hunt – Did the Ancient Egyptians know and use emery? I reprised this old question in 1991 in an invited paper at […]
Tag: Bronze Age
Minoan Pottery : Form and Technique
By Jess Taylor – Setting The Minoan civilization often evokes thoughts of myths of the bull-headed Monitor and his labyrinth, images of the ruins of the Knossos palace, with its red, tapered columns and advanced multi-storied architecture, their early written languages, the untranslated Linear A and translated Linear B as […]
Matisse Looks to the Masters: A Modern Artist Who Invokes Antiquity
Matisse, The Serf, MOMA San Francisco (images courtesy of MOMA) By Alice Devine Wilson – At first glance, modern art seems to have little connection to antiquity’as contemporary art, by its definition, departs from the past. However, many modern artists of the twentieth century root their creations in ancient traditions. […]