Author: patrick


Hebrew Poetry and Word Play in Genesis 1:1-2

By Patrick Hunt –  While this is not in any way comprehensive, some of my favorite word plays from Hebrew literature show a deliberate use of language for suggesting multiple ambiguities, sometimes even steganographic – hiding things in plain sight – and often paronomasic – having connections in both sound […]

Food History

Champagne History: The Lasting Legacy of Bubbles

By Catherine Clover – “Remember gentlemen, it’s not just France we are fighting for, it’s champagne!” – Winston Churchill, WWII As the year 2014 comes to a close, it is a most fitting time to reflect upon the year in review and prepare resolutions for the year ahead. After meeting […]


Review: Irving Finkel’s The Ark Before Noah

By Patrick Hunt –  The Atrahasis Flood Tablet I first saw in Irving Finkel’s office at the British Museum a few years ago before this book was published seemed much like many others in the museum galleries, a cuneiform clay tablet one could easily hold in a hand. But this […]


Four Popes and a Would-Be Emperor: The Council of Constance 1414-1418

By  Andrea M. Gáldy –  Das Konstanzer Konzil. Weltereignis des Mittelalters 1414-1418. Grosse Landesausstellung 2014 im Konzilgebäude Konstanz (27. April – 21. September 2014), organised by the Badisches Landesmuseum Karlsruhe. Karl-Heinz Braun, Mathias Herweg, Hans W. Hubert, Joachim Schneider und Thomas Zotz, eds. Das Konstanzer Konzil. Catalogue and volume […]

Artifacts of Material History

Egyptian Kingship and Animal Husbandry

By Patrick Hunt – What is the relationship between ancient Egyptian kingship and animal husbandry, specifically the practice of owning, tending and herding animals like cattle? Ancient cattle pens have been found in Nilotic contexts going back at least eight thousand years into the Neolithic, possibly the earliest examples of […]